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      The movie concerns about Trinity(Terence Hill=Mario Girotti)a roguish and cocky gunman with fast weapon who works as bounty hunter.His brother Bambino(Bud Spencer)is sheriff in a village but is also an undercover thief which attempts execute a heist.  The'll face off against a rich owner(Farley Granger) and a Mexican marauders who try evict to a Mormons group. They help to the pacific settles and the confrontation will be inevitable but is developed by means of successive fights without blood,neither gore or cruel murders.The violence isn't crude but slight and predominates the comedy and parody. The storyline is embarrassment and ridiculous but has its agreeable moments here and there.It's a spaghetti western with humor and narrates the usual issues:invincible antiheroes,spectacular showdown ,violent taking on but united to slapstick and simple humor.It's an entertained Italian western with adequate runtime where there are irony,tongue in check,shoot outs,numerous struggles and is quite funny and amused. Terence Hill is sympathetic,hilarious and likable; Bud Spencer is rough, two fisted,bouncing ,grumpy man but with good heart,their characters are similar to Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.The film is a spoof of famous films as ¨the magnificent seven¨ and ¨blazed saddles ¨but covered with spaghetti.The picture obtained a sequel with the same protagonists and director¨Trinity is still my name¨.Besides originated a series of awful imitations and copies. Rating:nice and bemused.


    • 10.0HD天津一浴池5名服務人員陽性鄭曉甫,陳志偉,李楠星,黃一山,苑瓊丹,
    • 6.0HD中字韓國演藝圈凱瑟琳·特納,薩姆·沃特森,馬修·里沃德
    • 5.1HD喬蒂的煩惱2艾娃·米歇爾,格里芬·格魯克,塞布麗娜·卡彭特,盧克·艾斯納,斯蒂夫·扎恩,安吉拉·金賽,安杰利卡·華盛頓,克里斯·維爾德,道格·斯皮爾曼,Clara,Wilsey,Rico,Paris,Jan,Luis,Castellanos,Johanna,Liauw,Rachael,Thompson,Odessa,Feaster
    • 1.0HD女醫明妃轉張紅爽范湉湉
    • 10.0HD中字成全視頻高清免費觀看在線丹尼爾·奧特伊,熱拉爾·朱尼奧,Fran?ois,Berléand,Zabou,Breitman,Mélanie,Doutey,Isabelle,Gélinas,Justine,Bruneau,de,la,Salle
    • 6.0HD俄羅斯人與動ZOOZ布萊絲·達拉斯·霍華德,朗·霍華德,威爾·史密斯,賈德·阿帕圖,吉米·法倫,吉米·坎摩爾,尼爾·帕特里克·哈里斯,柯南·奧布萊恩,鄭肯,哈?!っ鞴?帕頓·奧斯瓦爾特,基南·湯普森,安迪·格里菲斯

